Over the Easter Holidays, Miss Lynch and Miss McKenna attended a project management course in Reykjavik, Iceland. They were introduced to the etwinning platform and to Erasmus projects that can be completed with schools across Europe. They also created and worked on an upcoming project with teachers from Spain and Germany. They thoroughly enjoyed the course and are excited to complete this project and hopefully many more. They also look forward to sharing their new knowledge with members of the staff and implementing it across the school. They also had a wonderful time exploring Iceland's main attractions. Ms Nestor, Ms Cassidy, Ms Lynch and Ms Cullen attended a course on ICT and outdoor teaching and learning from the 25th-29th March 2024 in Valencia, Spain. This course focused on how to include ICT in the classroom and provided the teachers with new knowledge on how to use a range of apps and websites, such as trello, AI and gamma. Outdoor learning was also a main focus during the week as a lot of time was spent outside visiting museums and participating in Tai-Chi in the Turia Gardens. The teachers are looking forward to sharing and implementing their new knowledge.
Erasmus Policy![]()
January 2025